We are experts in negotiating telecommunications contracts. Whether a competitive bid or re-negotiations with your current provider, Value Sourcing Group offers comprehensive services - from price benchmarking and real time competitive analysis to full RFP support and management.
Our proprietary software and analytics have been developed utilizing multiple pricing databases from Fortune 500 clients across every industry. Value Sourcing Group brings to all projects current telecommunications network services market place rate knowledge as well as factual and relevant industry information. Exceptional savings and best practice contract terms and conditions are the rule rather than the exception due to the high level of telecom contract negotiation experience and knowledge possessed by each senior negotiator. And we have the references to prove it!
Key consulting disciplines include:
Obtain the best telecom contract deal possible through our tried and proven methodology in half the time normally required. Our highly experienced senior negotiators make it happen – every time!
Planning is the key to success! Our Contract Negotiations Workshop helps formulate the best strategy to address our client’s specific telecommunications goals and objectives.
Our industry leading price benchmark reports provide current telecommunications market place rates. Used during rate reviews and competitive bids or RFPs to drive carrier pricing down.
In-depth look at your historic and current telecommunications related expenses with an eye to recovering past billing errors by vendors and identifying strategies for reducing future costs.