For our clients who wish to obtain current market place pricing and rates, Value Sourcing Group (VSG) offers a robust and detailed Price Benchmark Report. This report is very valuable during any one of the following:
- Determination of potential savings available via a competitive bid process,
- Determination of potential savings via targeted re-negotiations with the incumbent carrier for a contract refresh,
- For use during a contractual rate review exercise for the adjustment of rates to reflect present market place pricing, or
- For use during contract negotiations as an end result target.
We utilize our existing database of rates and pricing information, recently negotiated rates and independent research to derive specific price points for our client’s rates by service type. The following services are included:
- Within Wireline Voice Services, the benchmark includes:
- outbound interstate calls (dedicated-to-dedicated, dedicated-to-switched, switched-to-switched)
- inbound interstate calls (dedicated and switched)
- international outbound calling from the US
- intrastate calls
- audio and web conferencing
- Within Wireline Data Services our benchmark includes:
- IP VPN (MPLS based) and SD WAN services
- IOC Private Line (per mile pricing)
- Local access charges (DS1, DS3, Ethernet, etc.).
- Dedicated Internet Access services
- Within Wireless Services our benchmark includes:
- Monthly Plan rates and discount schedules
- Monthly and annual credits and rebates
- Equipment pricing and discounts
- Waivers of fees and early termination penalties
The Price Benchmark Report will include calculation and itemization of our client’s rates by service type, calculation of average monthly costs and target rates based on circumstances relative to your specific current situation (i.e. expiry date of contract, willingness to compete the services, cost of change, etc.). Value Sourcing Group will also note substantial variances between current and target rates and various key rates from alternative providers, comparable to the incumbent. The benchmark rates are delivered in spreadsheet format and reviewed with the client via a conference call. The review is normally concluded within two hours.